Wegrowbeards / Young Attenborough

Split (2012)


Wegrowbeards, aside from having one of the best band names around, play songs powered by historical events set to fast and infectious punk music that you can apply to modern day life; and the first half of this split is no exception. "Emmeline" comments on the suffragette movement, whereas "Conchies" and "Ponte" focus on war; both world and civil. This unique take on modern day attitudes and issues are what gives Wegrowbeards an edge, and all songs are played with thriving rhythms and tonnes of energy as well as sing along, punchy choruses accentuated by thick, bass-y sounds that you can really dig your teeth in to.

Young Attenborough, play loud and passionate songs about the frustration of boredom and routines. "Weak Tea and Economy Biscuits" includes the statement "What makes me angry is being locked in these boundaries." "Nor Lentil, Nor Bean" relates the tale of growing up and losing touch, where "A Sadness in the Family" presents us with the story of a family in turmoil. It may not sound like anything ground-breaking, but then, why should it? It sounds good and they're songs you can really engage with.

Each band has that "something" about them that makes them stand out and there is some contrast on this split, which in my opinion is always good. The gruffness of Wegrowbeards against the slightly higher pitched Young Attenborough is part of what makes this great and highlights each band as unique in their own right.

Wegrowbeards aren't currently touring, but Young Attenborough are embarking on a tour with Gnarwolves Aug. 19; if they're playing your town, you should definitely get to the show and check them out live for yourselves.