
Guided By Voices Tribute [7-inch] (2013)

Joe Pelone

Given that Robert Pollard has written approximately one million songs with Guided By Voices, it's almost comedic how briefly Salinas Records' GBV tribute 7-inch runs. Then again, for a band with as many quality control issues as GBV, this four-song compilation makes a case for brevity. Plus it features some stellar bands.

Screaming Females were supposed to slow down after Marissa Paternoster's health issues, but in 2013 the band managed to drop an EP, a split with Garbage and now their cover of GBV's "A Good Flying Bird." It's a super short song, but the Females come out winning. Boasting their typical garage rock flair, Screaming Females kick off the comp right. Swearin' go for a hazier turn on "The Official Ironmen Rally Song." Their new album Surfing Strange found frontwoman Allison Crutchfield sharing the mic with guitarist Kyle Gilbride, and that continues here as they trade lines. The song is almost too mellow coming after Screaming Females, but it works.

Side B begins with "Chasing Heather Crazy" as interpreted by Upset. The newest of the assembled groups, this Vivian Girls offshoot comes off sounding like early Discount slowed down a smidge. Maybe Upset picked the GBV song with the best lyrics. Maybe it's the Discount comparison. Or maybe Upset just plain old win, because their poppy punky take feels like the most fully formed cover here. Waxahatchee (a.k.a Allison Crutchfield's sister Katie) closes out the set with a twangy, acoustic take on "Liar's Tale." Her cover almost veers off tempo, but that just makes the passion come through more. It's the barest of the songs, but it's also beautifully raw.

Tribute albums rarely succeed this well, but Salinas managed to assembled four artists capable of putting their own spins on an indie rock institution. Medals and commendations all around.