Morning Glory

Pet Monster [Digital Single] (2013)

Ricky Frankel

Ezra Kire is one of the most talented and creative musicians in the scene right now. The last Morning Glory full length, Poets Were My Heroes, proved that. It gracefully mixed together punk rock, soft piano playing, a horn section (at one point), and a string orchestra. Now it's been over a year since their last full-length release and on halloween, Morning Glory gave us an awesome treat. This treat is "Pet Monster."

"Pet Monster" sounds like a bridge between the earlier "The Whole World's Watching Morning Glory" with the newer "Poets Were My Heroes Morning Glory," in that it seems like the band took the best of both worlds and put them into one song. From The Whole World's Watching side there is plenty of hard-hitting guitar riffs (especially in the intro), some ska (think "Gimme Heroin," but slower), and lots of repeating choruses. From the Poets side there is a dramatic-sounding piano bridge that blends quite well with the ska section of the song.

And yet with all of this meshing of the early and new Morning Glory sounds, Kire seems to have completely left the Crack Rock Steady anger behind in these lyrics. They don't talk about killing cops or shooting dope. Dare I say that the lyrics in this song are light-hearted (Man I am so hungry/ Can I have some brains? / Dress me up for tea time)? Alice Cooper and Misfits-like (I'll be your pet monster/Hide under the bed/Invite me to dinner/I'm the living dead)? Fun-filled even (O My sweet entrée/I've gotten free/Knock knock- It's fucking Monster Me! )? But they aren't only that, the lyrics are artfully crafted and well written, too. Kire's lyrics and wide-ranging lead vocals have made one hell of a song. If "Pet Monster" sheds any light on what Morning Glory's next album, War Pslams, is going to sound like then it will be on my "must preorder" list for sure.

Check it out here.