The Suicide Machines/From Autumn to Ashes

live in Orlando (2002)


On Friday September 13, 2002 in Orlando Florida at the Social, Glasseater, From Autumn To Ashes and The Suicide Machines made their presence felt in Central Florida.

Glasseater was up first. I had seen them once before on the Strung Out tour and I wasn't too impressed with them from what I saw. This show was different though. At the Strung Out show they didn't have their full lineup and were having problems so that was what did it last time but this time they were a whole lot better. I guess all they needed was a permanent drummer. Sounds logical right? Glasseater impressed me this time around and I wouldn't mind seeing them again.

Next up was the hXc emo/screamo/whatever band From Autumn To Ashes. This band does what they do well. I guess that's pretty much all I can say. Lately it seems a whole bunch of bands are going "screamcore" or whatever you want to call it. FATA just seems like one of those dime a dozen bands coming out lately but still, they do it really well. I knew one FATA song but during their set I couldn't really tell when a song ended and when the next one began. Don't get me wrong I think FATA is good but nothing really all that special. Although most of the crowd would seem to disagree. Their songs must mean something to people which kicks ass for them. The biggest dude in the crowd was screaming the words and crying during two of the songs. During the last song the lead singer broke down into tears and a whole lot of the crowd went on to the stage. I found myself up on the stage when some big dude just grabbed me and yanked me up. I felt lost and out of place but more power to everyone else.

Small Brown Bike was supposed to be on this tour but they dropped the day of this show or something like that. SBB was another band that I have really no knowledge of so in a way that was good that I didn't have to sit through another band I didn't know to wait for The Suicide Machines. When some people found out that SBB wasn't at the show they just left. They missed out in my opinion. TSM tore it up. Just like the last time I saw them. Playing a set with mostly "Destruction By Definition" with a few "Battle Hymns" and a couple from the self titled and "Steal This Record." People can say what they want about TSM about how they've "sold out" whatever. Their live shows speak for themselves. Every song was a crowd sing along. I had the mic in my face on a whole bunch of the songs. People were getting up on stage skankin up a storm, singin, jumpin off just havin some fun. TSM is a fun band and very appreciative of their fans that have stuck with them. It shows whenever they perform.

All in all, this was 12 bucks well spent and I suggest that if this tour comes near you to go check it out.