Billy Liar

All I`ve Got [EP] (2013)


The tail end of a pretty eventful year for Scotland`s angriest young man with a guitar Billy Liar saw him release a pretty solid little three-track single/EP, with enough in it to leave you craving some more.
Watching Billy attack his guitar and spit into his mic on a live setting, you're almost waiting for this head to pop off his shoulders with the ferocity of his delivery, so its quite a surprise to hear him sounding a lot more chilled out on these recordings, perhaps letting the songs do the talking this time, and it's definitely a wise choice.

Opening up with "All I`ve Got," a great wee tale of finding, declaring and then losing love to the setting of intricate and tuneful acoustic guitars, dual vocal melodies complemented perfectly with warming female tones, and trademark fantastic storytelling from Billy.

"She went to an all girl's school and her parents are dead strict
I'm scared to speak in front of her in case she thinks I'm thick
We drank and talked all night and when she left I felt like shit
I felt like shit, I fell to bits "

It's what Billy does best and its definitely among the most accessible of his tunes, its hard to not enjoy it.

Second track "Sleep" is a simple number again, with really nice sounding acoustics and lovely dual vocals leading us into the sweeping fiddle-driven intro of "Change," probably my favourite track on this release. Its been a live staple of his for a while and again its really great to hear this recorded so well and given the time and attention it's due. The lyrics speak for themselves -

"I put away my party shoes and I cut off my mohawk
I need to back up my arguments and not just be all talk
I'm so bored of watching bands all just fade into the same song
The same band, no one's saying anything, nothing's getting done "

Great singalong choruses plead for today`s modern musicians to show us that they mean it.

"I want to see your blood spilt on the stage, I want to hear your heartbeat through the P.A."

Its hard not to agree with the sentiment and its all carried off with the kind of aplomb you come to expect from Billy these days. A constant touring animal, it's understandable that this release is a short one, with only the three tracks rocketing past in under eight minutes, it's the only failing of the release -- you are left wanting more. I'm sure Billy has plans to remedy this and with the way his songwriting is going i'm certain that he has a fantastic album's worth of material in the waiting. Great shit! More please!

Check it out here.