White Lung

Deep Fantasy (2014)


White Lung's Sorry was majestic and a work of art in its own right, but Deep Fantasy takes them to a whole new level.

It never ceases to amaze how they fit metal riffs into templates of hardcore, skate or thrash punk. Each song is so concise, high–octane and grating – all perfectly mapped into an unpolished and grainy sound. Every word from Mish Way just has an elegant ring of badassery to it and once more, they never waver. "Drown With The Monster" and "Face Down" are prime examples of this. So many influences and musical elements combine, which shouldn't surprise any White Lung fan, but you're still in a bit of disbelief. It's astounding how the band flows so well from track to track, and more so, from the groundwork laid in Sorry. It's a powerful evolution.

This fast–paced and furious vibe off Way always makes for a better listen amid crashing cymbals, frenetic guitarwork and pounding kitwork. It's a pleasure to see this hasn't changed and in fact, has been improved upon. They retain a nice blend of intricacy to their sound, toying and tinkering to push relentless music at all turns, which is highlighted in spades. As a result, their knack for concise and impactful tracks holds truer than ever, full of attitude and no doubt, one of the truest representations of these sub–genres around today. What makes for a better impression is they've gotten more expansive and deliberate as well. It's much more down to them channeling their fuel to their musical fire in a more controlled fashion as opposed to just popping in, kicking ass and blowing shit out the water. Their lyrical canvas, while still raging and red, is also wider and definitely spreads roots – all making for better storytelling.

Way's compositions, as exploratory, as they get, still keep their distinct fiery feel and that's something that makes White Lung what they are. The intensity intensifies as the record progresses and with such tension, as "In Your Home" best summarizes, it's difficult to ignore yet another stellar record from a band that has the game figured out. With so many amazing tracks on tap, it's hard to single out which is deserving of repeated listens because they all are. This fucking rocks!!!