Pillow Talk

What We Should Have Said [7-inch] (2015)


If you're a fan of Cloakroom and managed to be one of those who gave Title Fight a 2015 hall pass, then Pillow Talk may just be for you. Twinkly at times and settling in a sound that a lot of bands seem to be coming up with these days, but overall, not a bad attempt at evoking all the right emotions that atmospheric rock bands do tend to tug at. What We Should Have Said feels like the natural order of things in terms of following up Recreational Feelings from last year.

They're Memphis' dog in this emo fight. "Make You Real" makes you appreciate the aforementioned EPs even more. Distant vocals, yet as with most of their music, reaching lyrics that blend so impactfully into the shoegaze textures, melodic guitars and heavy reverb on display. The dense effect's accentuated even more by the reverb and overall, soaring heights each song hits as it creeps and climbs their musical hill. Pretty cool structures.

Not as aggressive as I'd have liked but it makes sense given how sentimental and emo "Room" comes off. These bands are far removed from those clamoring for straight-up punk and to be quite honest, I'll never get why. Makes no sense taking cheap shots at bands like this because if you look beneath the surface, you would find little punk roots here and there to help clear the air a bit more. By the time "Escape Me" surrounds you with its beautiful essence, it seems to me that these five shimmery jams offer up what Title Fight meant Hyperview to be. I like it. A lot of substance on offer.