Abertooth Lincoln

Osteoferocious (2014)


After releasing a few EPs over the past few years, Dayton’s Abertooth Lincoln released their debut full length Osteoferocious in 2014. While always willing to experiment with different textures, musical styles, and never shying away from confrontation, the band really hit the ground running this time out. Musically, this album brings to mind everything from King Crimson and NoMeansNo to Naked City era John Zorn, and even Tom Waits at times. As pummeling as the band can be, they also have a firm understand that textural difference is huge and creates mood that couldn’t otherwise be achieved. The musicianship put into this genre and style hopping is fairly remarkable, as every member of the band seems to not only have the musical abilities required to tackle the genres they delve into but, also a firm understanding of that genre, musically speaking, as well.

Lyrically this is an album with an agenda, as they take shots at everything from mass media, Monsanto, and the right wing media. Which, let’s be honest, have become tired topics in the punk scene. This has more to do with how it’s done than there not being anything to say on these topics. There certainly is, and most of the time the band uses dark humor to make a point instead of just shoving simple sloganeering down your throat. Vocalist, Jacob Gandert’s delivery in addition to bringing to mind NoMeansNo also bring to mind Andrew Falkous from McLusky at its most ferocious and when the band takes a sidestep into its calmer moments the Tom Waits comparisons become the most apt.

While this album is solid from start to finish, highlights include “Double Lower Class, ”Medicartastrophe,” and album closer “Lonely Tub” which in only six minutes allows the band to touch on almost every sound and genre they have in their playbook. My hope is this is a sign of things to come, as much as I love this album … I can't wait to see what these guys will do next.