Smokey Bastard

Back To The Drawing Room (2015)

Ricky Frankel

Have you wondered what kind of punk rock a pirate would listen to? Neither have I. But I imagine Smokey Bastard’s new album Back To The Drawing Room is something that would come pretty close -- and it's great.

The band has taken folk music and fused it together with some classic aggressive punk rock. In songs like “Archipelago” and “Screens” the instruments that are usually associated with folk punk such as banjo, mandolin, and accordion play very fast leads, while blaring, distorted guitars back them up. This meshing of styles creates a vibe of chaotic tension through out the album.

Typically foreign accents don’t really make much of a difference to me, but this case is different. The vocalists’ British accents give this album some extra edge (at least this Yank thinks so). Though the majority of the album the vocals are gruff and raspy, Smokey Bastard takes the album to a much different and unexpected place about half way through. The track “South Australia” is not something you come across in the punk rock genre too often and that’s because it’s an a cappella song. The band members sing in this “call and response” fashion like they are in some kind of choir. It’s an interesting twist and it holds up quite well with the rest of the record.

For those you just discovering Smokey Bastard, the band is in the same vein as Fogging Molly, but just a lot more intense. Back To The Drawing Room is an album that will bring fans of punk rock, fans of folk punk, and perhaps even fans of crust/anarcho punk together. The production quality on it is top notch as is the musicianship so don’t bypass this one.

You can listen to this album here.