Barren Womb

Nique Everything (2015)


The Sun's Not Yellow, It's Chicken was Barren Womb's big step forward last year. Aggressive. Noisy. The Norwegian rock duo continue in the same vein with their swill of metal, punk and believe it or not, country. While Nique Everything feels more cerebral, despite it being slower and darker, there's a lot of Euro-influenced metal to go around in yet another bleak outlook on life. 

From the jangly Louisiana-sounding "White Raven" to the cinematic, heavier styles of "Piss jugs" and "Man fucks a goat", you can tell how unconventional they do things. And cinematic at that. This record feels like their defining and dare I say, crowning moment as they explore a lot more soundscapes and really take risks with instrumentation and so many other themes as they imitate Americana stories. These tracks are packed with so much energy and conviction but it's the emotion in the screams and the well-written lyrics that help establish the album's identity. "Devil run the game" has that acoustic Tarantino-railroad vibe to it which helps put this record directly up there with Wovenhand's Refractory Obdurate. It's western done with a very hard-rock spin to it. The track that got me into this band was "Kill Hicks" last year - one of the most chaotic jams they've ever done and as the record winds down, "You can't fire me, because I quite" urnavels in a similar style to offer a reminder as to just why this band deserves your attention.