


Drakulas are the new project put together by members of Riverboat Gamblers and Rise Against, and in the course of four songs, OWOWOWOWOWOWOW displays a solid mix of punk rock styles which cohere to become Drakulas’ unique own. Boasting such pedigree, expectations are high. Drakulas deliver solidly on this promise without breaking a sweat.

The four songs represented on OWOWOWOWOWOWOW are energetic, forward-charging pop punk bangers akin to those of the Briefs and the Marked Men. Fans of Weibe’s other band, High Tension Wires, will also undoubtedly find themselves right at home with Drakulas. The guitars buzz and thrash as the drummer wears his wrist out beating the hi-hat Tommy Ramone-style. As anyone who has seen Riverboat Gamblers live can tell you, singer Mike Weibe is a hell of a frontman, and his presence in Drakulas is as assured and commanding as ever. One gets the impression that Drakulas would be a fantastic band live, simply from the zeal that bursts forth from these four tracks. The energy captured on this EP leaves a lasting impression.

“OWOWOWOWOWOWOW” begins the proceedings, sounding like a more perverted version of the Dickies after imbibing too much coffee. ”Have you ever been fucked like this?” Weibe asks, in one of the chorus’s more sordid lines. “Gain Ground” is a more Ramones-y jam, while EP highlight “Crimson Carpets” features rollicking, powerful drums accompanied by ferocious guitars and a memorable chorus. Final song “Spinal Chord” is more of the same goodness, capped by a somewhat Misfits-like send-off.

In all, OWOWOWOWOWOWOW is a great introduction to a band helmed by familiar faces, and speaks to a solid future for Drakulas. Hopefully there is more to be heard from them soon.