Terrible Love

Change Nothing [EP] (2016)


Goodtime Boys' Rain was one of the most impressive records of 2014. It was a perfect mix of hardcore/post-hardcore from a UK band that really showed how aggression and deep lyricism could mesh. In fact, with the poetic take they spun, they threw me back to Scotland's Departures. After breaking up last year, it's great to see the remnants link up with fellow Brits Bastions and members of Grappler as well to harness a fury on Change Nothing that's fit for fans of old-school Pianos Become The Teeth.

This comparison's evident after spinning the first couple tracks on the EP. "Change Nothing" and "Mt. Misery" are two of the strongest of the five tracks which feel like a mash-up of bands like Touche Amore and The Saddest Landscape to name a few. Most of all, they have a vibe similar to Defeater -- no surprise give Rain was on Bridge 9. Even when they temper things back on "They Need You" -- slower, melodic and more riffy -- they show a range that hits home hard. The screamo effect and noise at hand definitely sounds like Terrible Love is a band that would have fit in perfectly with The Wave. Here's hoping for more, hopefully with the band on Deathwish. Feels like an ideal match.Â