Sorority Noise

It Kindly Stopped For Me (2016)


It interested me in an interview with lead vocalist of Sorority Noise, Cameron Boucher, that he was suddenly writing songs strictly for himself and feeling a bit selfish about it. With that in mind, I couldn’t wait to hear the forthcoming EP, It Kindly Stopped For Me because who doesn’t want to hear what kind of songs a great artist would write for themselves?

“Fource” is one of the most personal songs Boucher may have written. As he narrates in spoken word the steps he takes to his friend’s grave, we see the deeper side of Boucher. The raw lyrics and emotion in his voice conveys the song perfectly. “A Will” is a deep song that mourns the loss of a friend written from the dead’s perspective. The song is haunting yet pretty, something Sorority Noise have a knack for. "XC" ends the EP on a more intense note with soothing vocals and a chilling piano, closing out It Kindly Stopped For Me" on a strong note.

While each song is beautiful in its own way, only true Sorority Noise fans will appreciate this EP. It’s not a huge departure from Joy, Departed but these songs were definitely written as a form of grief. None of these songs have more than a piano and a guitar in them and each song is a deeper look into Boucher’s thought process. If you’re a fan of slow, sad, acoustic songs, then this is an interesting EP for your collection. Either way, it’s a great midway point in Sorority Noise’s growing canon.