Colleen Green

Infinity Cat Cassette Series (2016)

Maximillian Power

I would describe this E.P. as an indie rock take on 80’s and early 90’s pop punk, it has a modern feel from its use of the electronic drum beat, but the guitar work brings it back to its intended down-picked roots. Colleen Green has successfully found a way to shed some of her indie rock influences and utilize a welcomed snotty punk attitude mixed with the catchy choruses that she has been known for in prior releases. The combination of pop-punk influenced guitar leads with the sugary pop chorus of “Green My Eyes” reminds me of a modern take on Screeching Weasel’s glory days.

The cassette tape, which is self-described as “Ramones-core” is pretty straight forward, imagine a female Joey Ramone writing music with a Casio keyboard as well as a guitar. That description sounds like a mess, but Colleen Green manages to pull it off. I will always prefer live drums to the electronic variety, which is my biggest complaint about this release; however, it is likely fans of her back catalogue will hardly notice the difference.

Colleen Green has managed to write an E.P. that emphasizes some old punk rock roots and attitudes, while simultaneously being able to satiate her current indie rock fan base. This record may not be deep, but it is an enjoyable and fun listen, plus I will always be a sucker for a cassette tape release. This is definitely worth a summer time spin.Â