Lost Love

Comfortable Scars (2016)


Lost Love have a pretty straightforward punk approach when it comes to their debut album, Comfortable Scars. Each song is drizzled with monotone vocals over punk rock songs that occasionally get more interesting. Comfortable Scars is 11 songs of punk rock fun.

A lot of the songs on Comfortable Scars blend very well together but it’s when Lost Love get creative that the band  crafts their sound. “Take Care, Get Better, See You Never” catchy and easy to sing along to chorus is enough to get listeners interested into the band’s sound. On top of a full on punk approach, the band has a feel of post punk at times in their gloomy undertone.

While the album is a pretty straightforward punk album, some songs do break the mold. “Here’s 15 Cents, Now We’re Even” is an abrasive song that slows things down just a little bit and then picks it back up during the chorus. The ending of “You’re My Joe Pesci, I’m Your Marvin” segues a good halfway point to lead into the bright sounding “Severance.” The album finally breaks full mold on “Something Meaningful” where the band channels their energy into a jumping punk song.

Overall, Lost Love isn’t recreating the genre, but they certainly are finding their place in it. Comfortable Scars is filled with sing along songs that will grow on the heart after the first initial listen. Lost Love has composed a nice selection of songs that float into each other to create the body of Comfortable Scars.