Total Yuppies

Pleasantries (2016)


Total Yuppies may have created this summer’s feel good EP. Hailing from the Rochester area, the band shows off their knack for fuzzy surf punk tunes that will immediately put a smile on your face. Think if Jeff Rosenstock decided to go surfing with Hostage Calm and they listened to a dash of Sorority Noise on the way there. Pleasantries is six songs long and documents the first full recording from Total Yuppies. Their self-described gar(b)age fuzz pop equips catchy melodies, feel good poppy energy, and quirky relatable lyrics all that embodies Pleasantries.

The best thing about Total Yuppies is that every song sounds so naturally written. From the vocal melody that carries “I Feel Busted” to the dry surf garage feeling in “The Negativity You Put In This World Is Your Own,” these songs are grandly played with a lot of feeling. The EP’s opener “Dreaming” deceivingly starts off in a lush pop melody but quickly picks up into quite possibly the band’s catchiest songs. It recounts creating a schedule for drinking pretty much all the time. It’s a solid track that represents the band’s knack for melody and humor.

There are so many different emotions that go through Pleasantries. Whether you can relate to the intense themes of steady drinking or the idea of being alone, these songs are great feel good songs that you can dance to but also feel something for. 

Total Yuppies is an exciting band to look forward to. Their sound definitely stands out with their fuzz pop tunes but the band maintains a space with other bands. They certainly harbor a territory that’s been explored, but not quite like this before. With bright guitars and lyrics that are hard not to relate to, Total Yuppies is definitely a band to watch.