Oso Oso

the yunahon mixtape (2017)


Jade Lilitri's a frontman I've been a huge fan of for years now. It started with pop-punkers, State Lines, and then transitioned into Oso Oso, a bit less rough around the edges, waxing on about his coming-of-age Long Island days. State Lines felt like Joyce Manor's little brother whereas Oso Oso was fizzier, bouncier and much more breezy act that didn't need to be as in-your-face. the yunahon mixtape follows suit as it's even more melodramatic and dare I say, cute, in terms of how it blends indie and emo, paying apt tribute to the 2000's. 

What I love most about Lilitri's current music is how sweetly it rings minus the cocky edge of old. Things tend towards a sense of endearment and towards personal tales. "the cool" and "reindeer games" are examples of these songs -- breezy, upbeat and typify how Oso Oso ranges from mid to uptempo jams. What Oso Oso lacks in intensity and aggression, they make up for in melody, as seen with "get there (when you're there)" -- coming off a la Death Cab For Cutie and "the bearer of truths" -- ringing out like another awesome pop-punk act, Posture & The Grizzly. 

From intricate picky tracks to mathy gems to swelling indie beats, there's a lot on hand. The shimmery post-rock gem "the secret spot" is another great indicator as to how Oso Oso have refined their sound -- from an innocent charm to a more direct, anthemic pill that's as easy to swallow as ever. The older stuff was about growing up but as of this, it's all about looking at the past with a twinkle in your eye. After all, that's why we sing about making a mixtape, right? The days of making them are long gone by now so why not take the time to reflect on when you did…