
split 7 (1999)

Scott Heisel

First off, I want to say "Fuck You" to whatever pressing plant that glued the wrong labels on the wrong sides, confusing me eternally. Getting that out of the way, I must say, this is one fantastic piece of vinyl. The Rodmans are from around Chicago (although I had never heard of them before), and they pack 4 rockin' poppy-punk songs with gritty vocals into about 4 minutes. All have that right amount of catchiness to keep your head bobbing and your mind interested. On the other side, we have the Letterbombs, who didn't rock quite as much as the Rodmans, but still contribute 2 solid punk songs. The guy's voice just bored me a little, but it isn't bad at all. I highly recommend this for the Rodmans side, and the fucked up labels. I want more from the Rodmans, and soon!

[taken from A different kind of greatness webzine]