No Trigger

Adult Braces (2017)


No Trigger are back, after another hiatus, with their four-song EP Adult Braces. After being consistently active for the first half of this decade, No Trigger has released music and played shows on a far more sporadic basis in recent years. And with Adult Braces, they offer us their trademark brand of melodic catchy punk with a hard edge.

No Trigger isn’t doing much in the way of reinventing themselves on this EP. Rather, they stick to the game plan that has made them an endearing band to many. Listening to “Sleeping Bag,” the EP’s opening song, brings the listener right into No Trigger’s characteristic sound. The tempo is upbeat and fast, Tom’s vocals are well-balanced, and the ending guitar leads adds just enough layer to the sound to keep the song compelling. And that’s the story of the EP. Four well-written and adeptly produced No Trigger songs.

The release’s strongest track is the closer, “Hyperaware.” The song opens with a great lead and the drums move right along with a popping rhythm that’s sure to get heads bopping. There are some great harmonized vocal patterns throughout as well. And the choral hooks will certainly garner some fun sing-alongs. It’s a fun sounding song, but there is also a feeling of introspection and depth there. Again, just enough layers to make the song that much more interesting.

It’s difficult to dote on the EP in particular here because, as I already mentioned, it’s simply another strong release by No Trigger. Their sound remains intact and well-executed. So for those who may be new to No Trigger, I think a decent comparative starting point is as follows. They land somewhere in the Kid Dynamite-Strike Anywhere-Rise Against area of the punk/hardcore spectrum. Their sound is full of melody and catchiness but it certainly maintains an edge that sets them apart from more pop punk sounds. If that description sounds at all captivating to you, pick up this EP. And then go find the rest of the No Trigger catalog. You aren’t likely to be disappointed.

Adult Braces is a rocking a EP from a band that is far too elusive these days. If the four songs on this release are indicative of what No Trigger has been writing, then there best be more to come. They should record more songs. They should play more shows. They should be more conspicuous. Adult Braces is simply the latest piece of evidence to support those assertions.