Andrew Jackson Jihad

People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World (2007)


"Rejoice" is the opening track to the album People Who Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People In the World. It starts off with the lyrics "Rejoice, rejoice God's ears are stitches
Rejoice, His eyes are big X's (axes)
Rejoice, His arms are burning witches
Rejoice, His hands perform hexes"
If there's one thing to love about this album it's the diverse and unique lyrical content that Sean Bonnette and Ben Gallaty bring to the album in their sophomore effort. This album is a good blend of folk and punk which turns out, leads to a great combination of sounds with muted percussive guitars over fast banjos. "Brave as a noun" stems as sort of an anthem of coward messes of people we all tend to be at some point. Another fun twist to the album is "People II: The Reckoning" showing up before "People", kind of a funny thing but none the less very " I don't care" punk attitude implied. The trill in Sean's voice really brings the lyrics to another level as he gets more intense within his songs and the passion really cares out into his voice. An aspiring musician has a lot to look forward to in Andrew Jackson Jihad, a blend of two seemingly very different genres and a unique voice with obscure lyrics drag attention to the album. The reason the album is less than perfect is for the reasons most music is less than perfect. There's always a feeling in the back of your mind there could be more to it, or that it could have been mastered differently or maybe you're just waiting for that perfect song. I thought it was a very good album to listen to if you're looking into listening to some folk punk.