
Brought Back to Life (1992)

"The first picture-less movie in the world."

So claims the cover to the Nekromantix third and most solid album to date. However with the production of the two albums prior, one would assume that such a feat could not be accomplished. With the somewhat thin
production of "Hellbound" and the swamp-like murkiness of "Curse of the Coffin" sound quality was lacking to say the least, but "Brought Back to Life" exhibits top notch production, which in the end only heightens the spooky atmosphere ten fold. Also one thing to
make note of is the lack of one Peter Sandorff (co-founder and guitar player
extraordinaire), however, do not fret ghouls, as the Nekromantix come through with another horror soundscape to chill your very souls.

The album kicks off with "Bloody Holiday" which starts with a slow skiffle beat and picks
up into the hard Psychobilly rhythm that the album showcases with perfection. With songs
about psychotic dentist and horrorscopes gone awry this should satisfy both fans of
horror-punk, and Psychobilly. Songs like "Back from the Grave" exhude feeling of the
damp cold soil of the grave, while "Monster Movie Fan" gives a somewhat comical
glimpse into the dating life of one of the Nekromantix. The masterpiece of the album is
the somewhat melodic and catchy "Nekrofelia" in which Kim sings

"We used to play this
innocent game. At the graveyard we always came. Naked in the night all alone. Lying in
the grass beside the tombstone"

All in all, this album does not have any bad songs, not a dull moment for Kim and
company. I found this album to be quite a surprise as this is the only album without Peter
Sandorff, yet the Nekromantix do not miss one beat and somehow keep their signature
sound sans Peter. So, if you can find this album I would suggest picking it up, along with
all the other Nekromantix albums, they are a band not to be missed.