As Friends Rust/Strike Anywhere

live DVD (2002)

Chris Moran

Its about goddamn time punkrock entered the digital age. With so many clasping on tot he idea that punk should only be distributed on records for that "raw sound", its good to see a few of us grasping on to modern technology.

The fine folks at have put together one hell of a production with this DVD. Two of the most energetic and exciting bands around are captured in captivating sets, with the audience going full-throttle the whole time.

Additionally, multiple camera angles were used in the filming process, which after editing, has made the final piece a complete joy to not only the ears, but eyes as well.

Up first is As Friends Rust, complete with former frontman Damien Moyal. The set includes most of your favorite AFR songs up to the "Won" LP, and may be one of the best sets from the former group I have ever seen. 'Austin, we have a problem', however, is not included. Boo.

Set List
Like Strings (Spell it with a K)
Half Friend Town
Perfect Stranglers
The First Song On The Tape…
14 Or So
Laughing Out Loud
Coffee Black
Home Is Where The Heart Aches

Strike Anywhere complete the 2nd half of the DVD, and blow this thing through the roof. Thomas' trademark melodic screams are captured in perfect form, and again every track is a winner, with no disappointments.

Set List
You're Fired
Cassandratic Equation
Timebomb Generation
Riot of Words
Chorus of One
Sunset on 32nd
My Design

As far as the specifics of the DVD itself, 5 stars. The menu is completely user friendly, allowing you to go to each separate track, watch a specific band's set, or just watch the whole production in its entirety.

If you own a DVD player, I can not recommend this enough. With the DVD-friendly price of $18 (which includes shipping!), I can not think of a reason why your broke-ass shouldn't buy this.