
The Sciences (2018)

Kev L. Rodgers

What can I say? There isn't truly much that NEEDS to be said, considering I'm writing about a new Sleep record.
We know the shtick by this point. Heavy, HEAVY doom. Love of all things tube, Sabbath, and weed. So, let's keep it brief, okay? 
Sleep comes back, out of the fucking blue, and drops probably the best metal album we'll hear all year (and, funny enough, maybe the best metal album in 15 years since they left us in the first place). I don't have to fill space with needless paragraphs about these riffs, these tones, these tracks fuckin ripping - all true, but not worth stating because instead I'm just going to IMPLORE you, for heaven's sake, give it a listen! We have been blessed, every one.

My gripes:

The drums are a little dry and the compression is sorta tacky at times. The vocals leave a lot to be desired, and the lyrics are silly, but that's to be expected.

Favorite track:
Sonic Titan - it just goes and goes and goooooooeeeees but it doesn't fizzle out on you, never gets wimpy. Just drags you. In the good way. Also there's a little ride cymbal ping in there maybe 4 or 5 minutes in that makes me giddy every time.