
Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses (2002)

I honestly think that on their first try, Atreyu accomplished what takes most bands years to do, particularly in this genre. Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses is perhaps the most impressive debut I ever remember hearing. Deep, passionate songwriting delivered with ferocity that will have you growling along while adding something new to an already exhausted Metalcore formula.

My Windows Media Player reviewer thingy describes Atreyu's sound as reminiscent of Scandinavian metal gods At the Gates, which is evident when listening to the intricate guitar work. Particularly on the final track Lip Gloss and Black, a dual guitar onslaught of metal riffs that is truly a joy to listen. The track's anthemic mantra of "Live, love, burn, die." is also a definite highlight.

Lyrically, Atreyu focuses on love and relationships, or rather on the pain they cause. This seems to be the norm for bands these days, but Atreyu addresses their subject matter so ferociously that it is hardly cliche. The dynamic between vocalist Alex Varkatzas and drummer Brandon Saller is simply awesome. This ain't no happy record. Dark, brooding, downright desperate lines abound, delivered brilliantly through Varkatza's ferocious screaming and Saller's melodic vocals. If Varkatza's is the tortured soul in this outfit, then Saller is his little hopeful voice asking for help.

Atreyu's rhythm section is also mighty impressive, pummeling the listener with a little double-bass during key moments, adding brutality when such is needed.

I can sit here and ramble on on how great I found this record to be, but if you are looking for something a little heavy, but plenty original, you can't go wrong checking these guys out. I am expecting Atreyu to quickly rise to the top of the heap.