Bouncing Souls/Andrew W.K./One Man Army

live in Tampa, FL (2003)


Friday was SPOT's (Skate Park of Tampa) 10th aniversery. For those that don't know, SPOT was started ten years ago when no one thought a skate park would thrive in Tampa. Today, it's gigantic, and was even featured in THPS2X. Because of this, the place was absolutely sold out by the time we got there, with a line going from the door and around a block. We knew a DJ there, thank God, and we were able to get in.

Anyway, by the time we got there the owner of SPOT was finishing up his speech, and then they showed their video. Icon ended up starting the show, and we msised them. To be honest, I don't skate at all, but it did show some hilarious footage.

Following the video, One Man Army took the stage and began their set. I hadn't heard of them before tonight, and while I can't say they were amazing, they still put on a damn good show. They were energetic and had a pretty good fanbase upfront. I have to say, though, I did like them quite a bit, and would definately enjoy seeing them again.

Up next was Andrew WK. Just.. ugh. It's just beyond me as to why the hell ANYONE listens to that shit. Boring as hell. My friends and I ended up sitting in the back and bullshitting. All of their songs sounded exactly the same, and almost all of them included the words "party" in some sort of way. Just an awful band that should have quit long ago.

And of course, up next was the Bouncing Souls. I had seen them once before at the Masquerade along with Hot Water Music and the Pietasters, and to be honest, they played a much better set this time. A few songs I remember them playing: Argyle, Kate is Great, Lamar Vannoy, That Song, Say Anything, No Security, Hopeless Romantic, True Believers, ECFU!, Manthem, I Like Your Mom, Here We Go, and to finish it off, Born to Lose.

There was a LOT of stage diving, more than I've ever seen at a show. The Bouncing Souls aren't much of a pit band, but the stage constantly had people getting up and jumping off. Near the stage was your typical shoving and pushing one another to get closer to the band. And about halfway through the set people started jumping up on stage and dancing, pushing, and singing.

All in all, yet another awesome show by the Bouncing Souls. Don't be stupid and miss em when they come around; it was even worth it sitting through AWK. They definately put on one of the better live shows in punk today, and you'd have to be stupid to miss them.