Teenage Bottlerocket / Human Robots

Teenage Bottlerocket VS Human Robots Split (2019)

Mike Elfers

Wyoming's Teenage Bottlerocket released a split 7'', pairing a Stay Rad! b-side and a-side with guitar/vocalist Ray Carlisle's 13 year old son's band Human Robots.

Side A comes alive with TBR's "Olivia Goes to Bolivia." The raging, hook filled tune adores (and samples audio of) bass player Miguel Chen's daughter, opening up the family centered release. Baby Olivia doesn't take shit from anybody, and her anthem breaks just a little over ninety seconds. The (until now) unheard opener is followed by Carlisle's previously released open letter to his son in "Everything to Me." The obvious song choice makes perfect sense for the split, and as a son of a punk dad, and a punk dad of a crazy singing baby girl, this entire concept hits me in a good place.

Side B opens with the glooming half-time of Human Robots' "Step On 'Em All," touting crunchy guitars and doubled vocals. There is a raw element to Human Robot's session that completely parallel's TBR's squeaky clean mix, and adds a refreshing tinge of authenticity reminiscent of early Screeching Weasel or Minor Threat's discography. The split spins closed with "I Want To Hang Out With You," and between matter-of-fact lyrics and single guitar leads, it seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Ray Carlisle's son Milo, who turned 13 just this last week, (happy birthday bro,) has decades of shit-angst-life left to write about, and at what a tremendous starting point. Teenage Bottlerocket VS Human Robots is an example of how generations can work together in every possible way to ensure punk rock remains honest, refreshing, and unforgettable.