Instant Winner/Plain White T's/Don't Look Down

live in Seattle (2003)


So the Plain White T's came to Seattle again, and put on another amazing show. This time they stopped by on their tour with Don't Look Down, a four-piece band from New Jersey. These bands played on Valentine's Day at the Vera Project, Seattle.

Don't Look Down was the first band to take the stage. The Jersey boys rocked the venue with a catchy pop punk sound. They had a few big fans in the crowd, rocking out, trying to create a mosh-pit, but failing. There set was upbeat and enjoyable. As for their style, there are pretty run of the mill pop punk, but they do a very good job performing, making it an enjoyable show to watch. Give them a try- you may like them, I did.

Second to play were The Plain White T's, one of my Chicago favorites. I know I am bias towards them, but I truly believe they had an amazing set. Once the T's took the stage, the energy lever skyrocketed. Kids were dancing and singing along, having a good time. The T's played the majority of the tracks from their latest album STOP out on Fearless Records. They also played a new one, which sounded pretty promising. For those of you not familiar with the T's they too have more of a pop punk sound, but put on an inspiring show. When they perform it is easy to see the passion and determination in the band. Since their bassist, Ken Fletcher, recently left the band, Mike Retorndo, from the band Tone Deaf George filled in melding nicely and completing the Plain White T's sound. The T's even had to hardcore fans that demanded the song "Radio's in Heaven" and took the liberty to jump onstage and attempt to sing the lyrics with Tom. In the future I would suggest they practice, and know the lyrics, before taking center stage. The T's closed with a powerful rendition of "Penny" dedicating it to a few troublemakers out in the crowd, who were well deserving of the dedication.

And finally Instant Winner played. Instant Winner is a Seattle native ska band. There music was pretty much a garage band ska sound. Their set was a little too long, seeing as the crowd began to steadily decline. Instant Winner will soon be heading off on a West Coast tour, hitting most of California. The highlight of their set for me was their ska version of Weezer's "Say it Ain't So". They don't get my highest appraisal, but if you are into stripped down ska, you might dig them.

The night went well, and I was able to get another taste of home seeing the T's again. If you have chance I suggest you check out the Plain White T's/Don't Look Down tour, chances are you will have a great time rocking out.