
Repeater + 3 Songs (1989)

Aaron H

This release embodies essentiality. On this album Fugazi expands from Margin Walker and the self titled EP to more melodic punk with a different fomula to the songs (most tracks on the two previously mentioned releases have a prescribed fomula and it becomes redundant). Ian's singing is the most tolerable on this album as he sings most of the time as opposed to shout/scream vocals, the rhythm section plays tight throughout, and the dual guitar front produces distorted yet soaring music. Fugazi always pushes their own boundaries and at the same time remain accessable to most listeners (which is not the case with the highly overrated Radiohead) and in the process has composed the best punk rock on the east coast if not the US. Moving on to the tracks: every single song hits the bull's-eye down to the instrumental. In addition all of the songs sound differently (a bonus in my book) and follow nicely in order - a nice theme to the album. The only problem with the album's theme is the inclusion of the self titled EP at the end since Shut The Door fits nicely as an end song. This can be remedied, however, by simply buying Repeater as itself since the price is low. Simply put: this album belongs in your collection.