Maid Of Ace

Live Fast or Die (2020)


Live Fast or Die is the third album of the famous sisters from Hastings. With this powerful and fierce piece, the girls burst into the room without knocking and leave a great album. These eleven songs are unyielding street punk with rattling percussions and are more blunt and compelling than their previous works.

The songs are vivid, rageous and reach the top of the potential with eloquence. The track orbiting around the core of punk rock, but maintain a certain sleekness, as in ‘Live Fast or Die’ or ‘Rollin’ Stone’. The guitars are straight forward, but fit perfectly with their simplicity by design tactics. This is seen in ‘Hit’em Harder’ ‘Energy’ or ‘The Terror’ which rhythms are catchy. The vocals sound the best they’ve ever been for the band, as with ‘This is War’ or ‘Repent. ‘Forever’, reminds one slightly to the Distillers.

While street punk can be quite repetitive, Maid of Ace avoids that and makes it way easier to digest through a cathartic experience of letting all the rage out.