One Shot Left

Something To Be Reckoned With (2000)


On an excursion to the majestic city of Toronto, I decided to stop in a local music store and see if I could find any CD's from my favorite Canadian bands. After procuring some releases by Choke and Propagandhi, this CD caught my eye. I'd heard of these guys before and downloaded a few of their songs, which were decent. I noticed the CD was on sale, so I decided to pick it up.

Fast forward a few months, I'd listened to the Choke and Propagandhi CDs I bought, but somehow this one was lost in the shuffle. Until last night, that is. I decided that I was going to go through my collection and listen to some of the more unappreciated bands. The first one I picked up was this. My first thought was "Meter Records? Shouldn't it be Metre? These guys are Canadian, right?" My second thought was "Wow, these guys are actually really good!"

One Shot Left plays a mix between Chokesque progressive technical punk(I'm trying to set a record for most Choke references without actually reviewing a Choke record)and fast melodicore. I personally think the band is at it's best when the go they first route. However, these guys from Moose Jaw,Sasketchewan(where Theo Fleury played his Junior Hockey) never get as chaotic as Choke and seem to be more angry as well.

The backing vocals are very well done and the occasional scream adds a little variety. The production isn't the greatest though and sometimes the lead vocals come off sounding kind of weak. I have a feeling this band sounds more energetic live than on this recording and I bet they'd put on an excellent show.

So basically this is a really solid release that I'd recommend to fans of Choke(there's another one) and melodicore. There are flashes of brilliance on here that I really hope will be expanded upon in the future.