Tiananmen Squares

Straight Edge 'til Payday (2021)

Mike Elfers

Omaha's Tiananmen Squares have returned with six gritty punk classics in Straight Edge 'til Payday.

The follow-up to 2020's Nothing Can Kill the Grimace opens similar scrappy dual vocals and fantastic scale maneuvers from bassist Jeff Veto with the introspective of an aging punk anthem "New Fan." "sXe 'til Payday" rips gravelly delivery from Veto and guitarist Don Knottsferatu, offering killer call-and-response vocals in less than two minutes.

"Faces of Meth" carries like a good LOC deep-cut, paired with obvious references to addiction and drugs, this rests nicely against the hook-heavy "Wolves," complete with a Bad Religion guitar intro and quick chops from drummer Oddrage, certainly a high point of the EP.

"Suicidal Procrastination" trades more old-punker storytelling, classic three piece punk hooks, and more quick Freeman-style bass licks from Veto, "I Will Deny" is a great closer, welcoming slide guitar and a huge open bridge full of energy.

Straight Edge 'til Payday is another terrific effort from the trio, and with a DIY release that clocks in at under eleven minutes the authenticity speaks for itself. Fun listen.