The Blokes

Same Old Stories (2022)


The Blokes' are a street punk band from Rome made up of members with a past in other groups of the Roman Hardcore/Punk scene. The album is released on Timebomb Records, an independent Italian label. The LP consists of 11 tracks among which two great feats with Greg Huff from Bishops Green (Freedom) and with Ivo from High Society (Hate Them) stand out. We can certainly find some influences of the band The Business, Lars Frederiksen And the Bastards and Bishops Green themselves.

After the initial track introducing the band, we have “Way I am” and “Working class girl” dancing between punk and rockabilly, “Our games” accentuates these rockabilly tones especially in the guitar riffs and fills.

It goes on pure street punk with “Freedom” (the first single) and “Live free or die” . One more rockabilly track with “Not dead yet” then three more classic punk songs “Jails”, “Hate them”, “Self Annihilation” and the final “Old story from the street” full of choirs and vaguely reminiscent of social distortion.

It is a good debut, a very enjoyable record in which the quality of the pieces remains constant from start to finish. The first part that prefers choirs and melody and a second part more punk with more dry and cadenced voices. Listening to it a couple of times you will inevitably find yourself singing the choirs.