Zion's Blood

Zion's Blood [EP] (2023)


BAM!! Here’s a brand spanking new band that’s guaranteed to have you headbanging. Thashers, skate punx, and crossover metalheads rejoice as Zion’s Blood is filling a much needed void. If you are mourning the losses of Power Trip and Iron Reagan like I am, you’ll be relieved to know that there’s a band looking to grab that torch. Zion’s Blood is a brand new band from the East Coast that is just piling on to this new glorious resurgence of hardcore music.

This self-titled 4 track EP gives us a sample of some different hardcore flavors as well as giving a nod to the metal demos of the old days with the tape-styled artwork. Opening with Truth To Power, I was immediately drawn in with the groove. In true crossover fashion, once I was sucked into the groove, the thrashing began. This tune is just a great opening track to a record and when I use my imagination, it’s a great tune to open a gig with.

Moving on to Charge The Fool, this tune was the single that came out a couple of months prior. I always love the decision for artists to not have the first single as the first track of the record. I usually even skip the track when that happens. But here we see how the tune even gets a different context sandwiched between the first 3 songs on the EP. Having heard the single first, I see that this track was not some one-off ripper from a more subdued release…the other tunes actually hit heavier at times and I’m all warmed up to it.

Lastly, Cut The Middle just tops it off with a vintage Megadeth sound that gives a more moderately tempoed headbanger, but shows off some technical guitar riffage. These first 3 original tunes had moments reminding me of Suicidal Tendencies, Havok, or even DRI. Definitely leaning on the heavier side of crossover, but still has an attitude that skate punx can get down with.

The last tune misses the mark for me a bit as I am not familiar with The Smiths or Morrissey, so maybe that’s my own fault. What I do love is hearing a changeup on vocals and I think this tune serves the purpose that Zion’s Blood has more than meets the eye. There’s clearly a variety of creative influences that can only mean more cool stuff will be coming.

Keep an eye on this group!!!