Citizen Rage

Harsh Reality (2023)


Calgary-based hardcore punk outfit Citizen Rage storms onto the scene with their debut album "Harsh Reality," released under Cursed Blessings Records. With ten tracks of unfiltered aggression, this album marks a significant milestone for the band after a series of EPs.

Drawing inspiration from hardcore legends like Sick of it All and Cro-Mags, Citizen Rage delivers a relentless assault of fast-paced riffs, pounding drums, and raw vocals that epitomize the genre's ferocity. From start to finish, "Harsh Reality" is a sonic whirlwind that leaves listeners exhilarated and craving more.

One standout track, "One Last Time," ignites the mosh pit with its frenetic pace and aggressive instrumentation. The pulsating energy of this song is infectious, urging listeners to unleash their pent-up aggression in a cathartic frenzy.

Another notable moment comes in track two, where an aboriginal chant adds a layer of depth to the music. This inclusion sparks contemplation on indigenous issues, echoing the album cover's suggestive imagery.

Furthermore, "Harsh Reality" features a cover of Rebel Spell, paying homage to the punk roots that inspire Citizen Rage. It's a fitting addition that pays tribute to their musical influences while adding a unique twist to the album's dynamic.

Overall, "Harsh Reality" is a solid addition to any hardcore punk collection. The production values are intentionally raw, capturing the gritty authenticity of the band's live performances. The album's energy rarely wanes, delivering a relentless onslaught of sonic intensity reminiscent of the hardcore punk scene of the 80s and 90s.

In conclusion, Citizen Rage's "Harsh Reality" is a testament to the band's unbridled passion and unwavering commitment to their craft. With its blistering intensity and uncompromising attitude, this album is as hard-hitting as any elbow thrown in a mosh pit, cementing Citizen Rage's status as a force to be reckoned with in the hardcore punk scene.