Kid Dynamite/Grey Area/Trial By Fire

live in Philadelphia, day three (2003)

Chris Moran

(First and foremost, I have to extend a huge thank you to Jim [turdcorn] for showing me a great time and giving me a place to rest my head.)

Its funny how life works out. I wasn't supposed to see Kid Dynamite. There were only 2 shows, they sold out, and once again I missed my opportunity to see what could be my favorite band, ever. I would honestly put seeing Kid Dynamite ahead on my list of other reunions I would love to see; including Op Ivy, Lifetime, and even Black Flag. That's what this band meant to me. But a third show was announced, and it was like, manifest destiny.

To add to what would be an incredible day, it was announced that Grey Area would do a one time reunion as well for the show, and Trial By Fire (whom I had also never seen) would be playing their final show. Wow, three incredible bands, that I had never seen, and would never see again, playing in of all places, a small church basement.

The day of the show, we arrived in Philly early, not early enough for me to get a real cheesesteak (next time Jim, damn it); but early enough to beat a large percent of the crowd to wait in line. I hate saying lame shit like "anticipation was in the air", but that pretty much describes the scene. No one making too much of an ass of themselves, everyone just kinda hanging out, waiting.

As everyone finally made their way inside, the stage was set for DC's Trial By Fire. Their debut album, "Ringing in the Dawn" was obviously the most overlooked and underrated album of 2002, and I was completely stoked to not only get the chance to see them live for the 1st time, but also see what will probably be their last show. The set consisted of pretty much the majority of the "RITD" lp, and the crowd went full throttle for the entire performance. Singing along, screaming choruses, and showing an overall appreciation. Great fucking show. If this is the end, I'm upset, mainly due to the apparent potential seen in these guys.

Grey Area was up next, and I'm ashamed to say I wasn't too familiar with their material. That has changed since (I picked up both of their albums yesterday). Grey Area fucking blew me away. I mean, I felt like I had been listening to them for years. They seemed to only feed off of the hundreds of fists pumping and hundreds of vocal chords being shredded, screaming along to every song. Highlights included 'Sour Grapes', 'Better Man' and the only song I really knew the words to 'Colossus'. I'm sure other will quickly point out some I missed, which is fine, but overall up to this point I was in absolutely no way disappointed in the show. And Kid Dynamite was next.

This was it. I would remember this moment for the rest of my life. I even refrained from drinking anything before the show so I would clearly remember every detail, which for me, is quite a feat. After a short delay, apparently due to some assholes causing trouble, they immediately lunged into 'Two For Flinching', and every son of a bitch in the place went apeshit. Yes, even the jaded scenesters. Following, this short, but sweet tune, the opening riff of 'k05-0564' was belted off by Dan, and I could feel the goosebumps. From their, the show was kinda a blur. I was in a daze. Maybe it was the horrific heat on stage, maybe it was complete awe, but I just spaced out. Don't worry, the setlist is below.

I have never seen so many amazing sights during a performance. Everything from Jason's complete interaction with the crowd during every song, to kids flying all over the place and looking out for each other, to Dan's incredible thrashing on the guitar (and the man is fucking beefcake now), to just an overall completely positive experience. Be proud of your scene Philly, it's a beautiful thing.

Probably the biggest scene of the set was the anticipated performance of Token Entry's 'Birthday' with Ernie from Grey Area. Never performed live previously, this was the talk of the show (except for the weiner behind that wouldn't stop yelling for 'SOS'). And it did not disappoint at all. I wish I could do justice and explain in words what happened, well; "jubilation, excitement, intensity……" you get the point.

The set was closed with the track I love more than any other KD song, 'Shiner'. I know I sound like such a fucking nerd, but this band and these songs to me, are, well, special. I can't explain it. 'Shiner' pretty much sums up a lot of my feelings about music today, and to hear one of your favorite bands play your favorite song your first time seeing them, at the end of the set, for their last show…you do the math poindexter.

In conclusion, BEST FUCKING SHOW EVER. The end.

Kid Dynamite setlist
(me thinks)
2 for Flinching
Death & Taxes
Scary Smurf
Heart a Tact
Cheap Shot Youth Anthem
News @ 11
Ph Decontrol
Living Daylights
Table 19
Never Met the Gooch
Zuko's back in town