Day Of Mourning

Your Future's End (2001)

Jeff Lambert

Holy schmoly, this is so good it ain't funny… I don't think any Canadian band can even approach the fury that Day Of Mourning possesses. "Your Future's End" is pure and genuine evil, but it still has that catchy edge that sets DOM apart from other bands playing in the same direction. This is the album that will open many new doors for DOM, as it will help in establishing them as the most solid Canadian death hardcore band ever. "Demons Who Wear The Same Face" and "Enemy Of Angels" feature guest vocals by Integrity's Dwid and Ringworm's Human Furnace, but I'm sure you all knew that already. There's absolutely nothing bad to say about this album other than yes, once again, it's too damn short!!!! We want more!!! Insert layout deserves some props; very good job.