
4 AM Friday (1996)


This was my first Avail album, and the only one, I've ever owned. That being said, I'm going to ignore all the comments I've heard on their albums before and after 4 AM, and just review this album with no pre-conceptions.

Don't let the lable fool you, this is far from happy-go-lucky pop-punk. Avail's unique style of hardcore/punk rock is unequalled by any band. This album is so intense, I feel invincible after listening to it. There is not one boring or predictable moment on the album. It starts with two pretty straight forward punk songs in 'Simple Song' and 'Order', then the next three, 'Tuesday','92' and 'McCarthy', are one of the best succesions of songs I've ever heard. Just when you're ready to explode, they insert a little vocal ditty entitled '(Ben)' that will have you snapping your fingers like a beatnik, then BOOM, right into 'Monroe Park' the most intense song on the album. The second side(I own the cassette) is loaded from begining to end with great songs, starting with 'Fix'. 'Blue Ridge' is the one song I don't care for, a little too painful on the ol eardrums, but then they rack off the tempo-diverse 'F.C.A.', the very ear friendly 'Hang', the fastest song on the album ,'Governor', and 'Nameless' to close the album.

All of these songs are full of well-written lyrics, scream along choruses, and intense punk/core music that changes from one moment to the next. One of the best things about Avail is Tim Barry's ability to deafen your ears with screaming vocals, yet somehow keep in harmony with the music. Overall, this album is one of my favorites of all time. I've not heard anything else by them(except a little of Satiate) but I will venture to say that, as long as I own 4 AM Friday, I don't need to.