Forgotten Arrival

Through Your Eyes (2003)

This little known band from Southern California have just released their first album on Indie Vision Music. Let me state first that I am not typically a fan of pop-punk or let alone any resemblance of "screamo" like has been suggested. However something unique and fresh has been let out of the bag on this debut.

The album starts out with it's strongest track "Unveil" filled with snappy rhythms, machine gun drums, and harmonic vocals you can't help but sing along with. I am hooked in. The album takes a down swing with the next track "Stacie" which is slower song you could say but adds in dual singers and sort of a Brandtson/Noise Ratchet feel. Next is a song that ranks the lowest for me just because of the rehashed chord choice they used (we've heard a million times before) yet the song (Three words) still hits a high note with its hardcore breakdown. Pop-punk with a hardcore breakdown in the middle, I didn't expect but it wasn't terrible either.

This album switches between so many different styles throughout the 10 tracks that you could bring up all sorts of references yet they hold their own. The production is top notch with the vocals front and center and the bass leaving a warm background touch. One thing not mentioned here is the drummer. Oh my gosh this drummer is amazing! This guy can play rolls perfectly and when he adds in the double bass, crap, it just sounds crazy! I've never heard of this band before but you'll know about them soon.

Other stand out tracks include "Personified Tears" "Shattered Memories" "Take Him Home" "Untitled".