Hidden In Plain View

Hidden In Plain View (2003)


I didn't know the lead singer from The Early November was in two bands. Oh wait, he isn't. This just happens to be another typical whiny singer coming our way via Drive-Thru Records. With that said I would like to introduce you all to the newest addition to DTR, Hidden In Plain View.

While listening to the first track I thought I had accidently purchased The Early November CD. After stopping my stereo and ejecting the CD to check to make sure I bought the right CD, I realized I had. This led me to believe that this CD was going to be a disappointment. After listening to the first song I realized this CD was going to be no different then the last 5 I have purchased.

The lyrics to these songs aren't that bad. The way they are sung is a whole different story though. The normal lead singer with screaming in the background. The background singer repeating the words the singer just sang. Haven't I heard that before?

All in all the CD was a disappointment. I don't blame DTR though. I blame myself for thinking they could produce something original worth listening to.