The Number Twelve Looks Like You

Put On Your Rosy Red Glasses (2003)


I think this band just broke up. Thats a shame because these guys were really nice kids and this is a really good album if you like metal/grind.

The Number Twelve Looks Like You are technical metal/grind stuff out of New Jersey in the vein of Dillinger Escape Plan and Into The Moat, to name a few. This is their first release and it's pretty stunning. Some songs clock in just under 2 minutes while others last up to 6(although the 6 minute song is instrumental), a surprising amount of length for this type of band. This band has two singers, both who scream like fucking madmen on a killing rampage. The production on this record is very crisp and gives the whole thing a really clear sound, even with the chaos. Finishing up at a little over 22 minutes this release is a short but devestating release that most fans of grind should enjoy.

Best song:Blue Dress