The Program

Artificial Unintelligence (2003)


To be honest I probably wouldn't have heard of this band if they hadn't stayed at my house after playing with Sick Of It All. Let's face it, if you're playing with Sick Of It All you had best bring the rock and I gotta say these guys do in fact "bring the rock". Jesse, the singer, kind of sounds like Thomas from Strike Anywhere at times and a little like Daryl from Glassjaw (I think in future recordings his voice will develop and sound even better). Sonically, these guys are pretty good. Some dual leads here and there and some double bass breakdowns but not so much so that it just sounds like the band is trying to be "metal".

Anyway, the music sounds like, dare I say it? Thrice. But this stuff is faster and more cirlce pit-esque, maybe because this is a younger band and they are just out to kick ass. Good points? Well, I'm listening to the record right now and there's a nice breakdown at the end of "Casual Tragedy" and the lyrics speak for themselves, "Want a picture of what it meant to me? I'd paint it just for you to see. Want a picture of what it meant to me? I'll paint this fucker in blood." Daddy like. Low points? Jesse's voice could use a little more 'deadly'.

This is a very impressive debut cd and from what I saw a pretty tight live show. Definitely a disc worth checking out and a band to keep your eyes on.