The Red Chord

Fused Together In Revolving Doors (2002)


Looks like someone beat me to the punch of Robotic Empires latest stellar full length release of Circle Takes The Square. That's ok though, I will enjoy the chance that I get to take a look at Red Chords 2002 debut "Fused Together In Revolving Doors." Not to sound trite, but I must say this is one hell of a release.

The Red Chord is a death metal, hardcore, grind influenced band that hails from mighty Boston. They play hard, fast, and very technical ala Dillinger Escape Plan and Converge, but maintaining a rhythm section that doesn't sound over chaotic. The songwriting sucks you into a gaping black hole of integrity never letting you go, and always keeping it interesting. For the most part the lyrics will disturb the average listener with bold descriptive pieces such as:

"Avarice and stubbornness converge into stupidity.
In two we have begotten our desserts and transform.
As we become food for the earth and for the rats.
I never forget a face and this time I'm taking names - this time I'm…
Screech and pop of this hollow shell would have provided escape for the fortunate."

There is also some downright unsettling lines like the one found in the song, "Nihilist." For example:

"It only hurts the first time,
until you find conviction to draw first blood and suffocate remorse
and realize that your actions were so beautiful in a violent sense of the word.
The skin peels away - as I spill your guts.
There's nothing sweeter than the taste of the blood of a rapist."

The sheer beauty is not only in the lyrics on this record, but also the brilliant circus like guitar riffs and extremely solid drumming.
Every song on the album is explosive delivering no filler tracks, and leaving you breathless after every heart stopping breakdown.
There are two vocalist in the band that being of the guitarist and the lead vocalist. Their voices will simply astonish the listener ranging from high pitched screeches to haunting low level growls, at all times with overwhelming passion. Tons of emotions are emphasized in every single word that are spit from the duo.

In short "Fused Together In Revolving Doors" makes other acts of this genre (with exceptions of a few) look silly, with their high intensity and overall musical talent. This is the heaviest record put out in a long time, and will be sure to raise the bar for all bands alike.