Some Girls

All My Friends Are Going Death (2004)

Aubin Paul

Do you remember when hardcore meant something specific?

Some Girls does.

Do you remember when it didn't mean metal with short hair?

Some Girls does.

Do you remember when the cell phones weighed five pounds and cost a thousand dollars?

Well, maybe not that one. But the point is that while hardcore has become justifiably (and admirably) inclusive
over the past two decades, it has blurred to the point of being almost unrecognizable. When it
used to mean stripped down, fast, and angry, it now seems to encompass almost any aggressive music.

Which is where Some Girls comes in.

It would be easy to just explain that Some Girls is 'retro-hardcore;' a return to roots of sorts;
Some Girls shows it's unflinching loyalty to the founders of hardcore by
delivering a record that wouldn't have seemed out of place in 1984 - or 1994 - or 2004. The band delivers a solid,
intense record, with no bullshit, and plenty of energy.

This long awaited full length from the "super-group" consisting of bassist
Justin Pearson (The Locust/Swing Kids), Rob Moran (Unbroken) and of course,
Give Up The Ghost vocalist Wes Eisold is 22 minutes long, but as Dr. Dan Yemin is so fond of saying "Start Today
was only 21 minutes long" so there is plenty that can happen in such a short timeframe, and plenty does.

The opening fifty-six second blast of the title track is performed at warp speed, with Wes' vocals as incomprehensible as
ever, the only clue to it's content the equally cryptic title and one decipherable
witticism in "if you love something, set it free / I love myself and i'm getting rid of me.". Or "His 'n' Hers" which begins with the
trademark roar of feedback before hitting the same breakneck pace as it's predecessor, and for that matter, everything that
follows it. On top of all the madness, comes "No Fun," a reimagined, but still respectful cover of the classic
tune. The band doesn't work in complex song structures, but it really doesn't need to, the tracks never outstay their welcome,
and there is no shortage of inspiration throughout.

Last year, upon the release of Give Up the Ghost's second and long delayed
full length "We're Down till We're Underground," a number of you,
remarked that the band had lost it's intensity, and while I thought it was a strong, and evolutionary follow up for the band,
I can't deny that it didn't quite hit as hard as their debut.

Well, after hearing All My Friends are Going Death, I know precisely where that energy ended up, and you'd be crazy
to miss it.