The Buzzing Bees

You'll Wish You Were Deaf (2003)


It seems funny to think that a band with a name like "The Buzzing Bees" could be so damn good. This is quite possibly the most honest album I may have heard all year. Sure, there are things about this album that can come across as a little annoying, such as the vocalist. But this all depends on perspective. In trying to write an honest review, I'll say that honestly it's not for everyone. I can't really compare the sound to anything in particular, but Brett Gunther's voice isn't as polished as most would like. He strains his voice constantly, in mostly failed attempts at hitting notes that are just out of his reach, causing him to go a little off key every now and then. Like I said, that can come across as annoying, but it's honest. But this is part in parcel of what The Buzzing Bees are. I seem to be on a little theme here, and there's no harm in continuing and saying that this music is honest and well laid out, and shows that these boys aren't afraid of trying.

How now to describe the sound? Well, first off, it doesn't sound anything like a buzzing bee. Should I attempt to tell you by describing who they sound like? Most people like to be able to attribute certain genres and sounds with certain bands and use these as references; however, I'm not going to tell you who they sound like, and for two reasons: one, as music lovers, I would like to encourage us to be less concerned with labels and circles of likes and dislikes and attempt to experience bands more for who they are, as opposed to who they sound like, and two, I can't really say who they sound like. I will tell you that they have heavy guitars, but they also have soft guitars. They have a trumpet in one song. They have pop-rock grooves with offcue beats. They also have a vocalist that isn't afraid to go outside his range, and attempt (whether successful or not) to do what he feels necessary for the song. They have screaming, and harmonies. But, again, I challenge you to go outside your bubble to experience this Calgary 4-some.

These boys also attempt to rival some of their other Canadian counterparts by having ridicously long song titles. I May Have A Bad Attitude But It's Better Than Your Hair is the intro track and throws down some killer beats that continue to change up seemingly whenever the hell they feel the need. It also showcases what I was attempting to express about the lead vocals, and Sorry, I'm Deaf In Both Ears: Please Talk To My Shovel follows suit perfectly with an acoustic pop-rock feel intro that quickly throws you to the floor with a heavy second half. Nice Track Marks, When's The Race? is a soft song with an emo feel with odd guitar tones and almost a swing feel beat courtesy of Peter Pivovarov on drums. Your Teeth Are In My Shoes And They're Smiling At Me has a poppy feel and a catchy chorus vocal line with awesome harmony. The intro to Mother Nature: The Old Person Microwave is a builder, meaning that it continues to build on itself until it anti-climatically ends on you leaving you in suspense. You'd almost expect it tho, taking into account the sometimes awkward song structures. However, the song does get heavy and has a few breakdowns where the drums go purposefully a little off beat to bullhorn vocals. The song almost fades perfectly into I'm Sorry You're A Moron And All Your Friends Do Coke which also demonstrates that these boys can make it simple and sound just as awe-inspiring. This song apparently has a riff stolen from a Hooray For Everything song that they have permission for (of sorts). We're Right Behind You Swollen Gunther is another song with a pop-rock feel intro and again transitions to a heavier guitar driven riffs with harmonies and background vocals to compliment. Possibly my favorite song on this album of gems is Bite The Curb - It's Vegan, I Swear. It has everything that the all the previous songs have, but has something extra that I can't put into words. It just grooves me. Plus I find the screaming very effective. And to wrap this album up, The Buzzing Bees experiment with an acoustic guitar, a trumpet and a different feel than anything you've heard on this album thus far on What To Do With The Lazy Carcass?. A true masterpiece of a song.

So what more could I possibly say about The Buzzing Bees to influence you to go out and buy this work of art from 4 Calgarians no one has probably ever heard about? There isn't a whole lot more to say. In my attempted objectional opinion, I can say that this band creates beautiful honest music that would be a shame to be overlooked. And although some people may not 100% agree, the singer's voice should not change. The Buzzing Bees sound and style is dependent on the sincere unpolished vocals. It is my hope that if you pick up this record that it will rock your world as it is mine. Blissful sounds have been invading my ears ever since I picked it up and I don't foresee any change in the future.