Less Than Jake

Borders and Boundaries (2000)

Embassadress Kwan

Well, Less Than Jake has been a personal favorite of mine since they started out. With great albums like Pezcore, and classics like Losing Streak, you expect some fun happy music type shiznit from them. I guess they've always been known a bit more for their live shows then their own musical talent, but this has changed. In about, '98, i guess, they came out with "Hello Rockview" something new from the Gainesville guys, (how "critic" do I sound?!?!) This album was far different from those previous, there was more thought in the lyrics, which showed on songs like "History of a Boring Town", and "Al's War". On this album, Less Than Jake had less a bit less ska, and a bit more power on the guitar. They showed their musical talent more than ever, I would have to say. I've never heard such great lyrics from them, although they still have their jokes in songs like Pete Jacksons Getting Married, and Mr. Chevy Celebrity, an especially funny track, making fun of yet another local guy whose fucked up in life, they've also had very meaningful and thoughtful songs. They've showed there maturity, with still being the Less Than Jakers they are.

Overall, to summarize this cd for you, Its a great album, but not the best. It has less ska, and its a bit more pop punk, you can hear that they've produced this record to a streak free finish…

But anyways, its a clean sounding album production wise, amazing lyrics, if your looking for happy music to play in the car, buy this baby. If you prefer the sounds of harder bands, then this one might not be for you. But if you in general like to hear a bunch of funny guys get together and play instruments well, and sing great lyrics, then just buy it, no it's not the best of Less Than Jakes cd's, and no, it doens't really fit to my musical stylings, but Less Than Jake never has, and maybe thats what is so great about them. Always take the time to listen to something new, even if it doesn't fit-or else you may miss out on something really great. So all in all, im giving this a nine, nine, because it was a great effort by the guys, why is it missing one? I wanted more ska, and I wanted more punk, but I don't really care, because the lyrics made up for it. Sometimes, they can just really make you happy when you're not; that's a great thing about ltj. So pick up the CD.