Summer at Shatter Creek

Sink or Swim (2004)

Jesse Raub

Summer at Shatter Creek is the terrible name that Craig Gurwich decided to give his music career. Plain and simple, it sounds like a sad Ben Folds singing Coldplay rip-offs while slightly sounding like Thom Yorke. This EP, as the factsheet informs me, is a limited edition of 5 stripped down songs that will appear on this full length in the Fall of 2004. my opnion: Eh, it's not bad.

I suppose if I just got dumped this would be something to listen to. I suppose if someone that was close to me died, this would be settling mood music. Musically, the harmonies are very intricate between the soft, airy vocals and the piano parts, which are technically adept as well. I'd be interested in hearing the full arrangements of these pieces, but not interested enough to buy the CD when it comes out this fall before listening to it. I guess I'm intrigued by the fact that this EP is just a guy and a piano, and yet it's able to keep my interested enough to listen through the whole thing and enjoy it.

It's not ground breaking. It's certainly not flashy. It's not catchy or poppy. It's not breathtaking. It's simply well-written music when, if in the mood for it, could really hit the spot. Now, I'm having problems scoring this. I could give it a 4, but I think that'd be too harsh of a score. I'm leaning towards a 5, but it could be a 6 or 7 if I was in the mood for it. Which I'm starting to get to as the night wears on. So I'm going to say it's a 6, and if any of you have a problem with that, take out your gun and shoot me. Oh wait, you don't have a gun. Suckers.