
After the Eulogy (2001)

Aubin Paul

I'm a big fan of Boy Sets Fire, because they're consistenly challenging what aggressiveness and melody mean to
hardcore, and to put it simply, there is no one else who sounds quite like Boy Sets Fire. This albums shows more
focus than previous outings, a maturity that was hinted about on previous outings like In Chrysalis and
the split with Snapcase.

The tracks generally focus generally on one powerful idea, whether it's an anguished melody or just pure rage,
which in a way, sums up my taste in music in one nice CD-sized package. The softer tracks are softer than anything
they've ever done, and the more aggressive stuff is more vigorous and determined than any past material.

All in all, it's an incredible album from a band that keeps putting out better and better music, and a
definite strong buy for emo and hardcore fans alike.