Initiation (2004)


theSTART's story is a perfect example of the ‘ol major label, "I told ya so" routine. The group signed to The Label (a subsidy of Geffen) earlier on in their calling. After haphazard times they found themselves on Nitro Records with a whole new attitude. "We used to work for a big corporation…but now, we work for you" vocalist Aimee Echo beckons.

The self proclaimed punk band takes the cherished ideals that built the scene and embellishes them with dynamic pop-rock. Their exclusive sound protrudes into incomparable territory nothing progresses their latest release into a heightened class of musicianship.

As Initiation begins its trip around the audio player, a blur of smoke also seeps through. Few bookmarks span the twelve-track full length, barely meriting any replays. There's a world of potential oozing from the opening "Like Days," packed with synth grasping an 80's throwback feel and post-hardcore guitars ripping; cementing a path for Echo to share the feminine side of her vocals or howl fiercely enough to dispense shivers. Signs of brilliance glint on the rugged "Peacocks" shedding the pop tactics for a gritty punk rock explosion. Hiding near the end "The Conversation" appears like something that would below out of the speakers at a dance club, continuingly exploiting the wide range of capabilities held by Echo's voice.

Talent shrieks from the jewel case harnessing the compact disc, yet the group hasn't quite figured out how to master that gift. A ball and chain holds the quartet down, once that link is shattered theSTART will possess a robust style that few acts will be able to hold their pride up against.