The Infamous And Notorious (2004)


I've heard countless bands playing old school Boston hardcore, but R'N'R decided to put a twist on this basic formula. I've gone into many a review without knowing anything about a band, but I'd actually heard quite a bit about these guys before I listened to The Infamous And Notorious, and most of what I heard was overwhelmingly positive. What I did know was that they had members of Mental and Think I Care, what I didn't know is how they would pull off this style. The appropriately named R'N'R plays a mix of Boston hardcore and classic rock, and they do it without compromising anything from either of their influences.

It may seem a little strange at first, hearing the huge riffs normally associated with bands like AC/DC, and admittedly, it is odd; but I'll be damned it doesn't work really well. These songs manage to take on the anthem like quality of classic rock, while keeping the aggression of hardcore. Joe Shumsky's screams blend in perfectly with the music, and manage to keep things firmly rooted in hardcore, while the rest of the band is free to shift styles at their leisure. Joe Sylvia and Eric Yu both do their best to emulate the guitar heroes of the past, playing each song with the confidence and swagger of a seasoned rock band. However, R'N'R makes sure that they don't lie back for too long, they also include enough urgency to keep the hardcore fans interested. I think the band's sound is best exemplified by the track "12FU" which starts out with some hard rock riffing, before breaking into a speedy, straight forward verse.

On the surface this appears to be a really strange concept, and listening to this album doesn't exactly change my mind, but I can't argue with the results. This far from the standard Boston hardcore you'll hear on Bridge 9, and I like that. There's nothing wrong with straight ahead hardcore, but I have to commend these guys for changing things up a bit. If you're looking for a little bit of variety, you might want to give this band a listen.

My Favorite Track: 12FU