U.S. Bombs

Back at the Laundromat (2001)


Old School punk still trudging forward in the year 2001. The US Bombs are one of the few bands still sticking to the punk basics these days. Orange County native, Duane Peters, well known in the skating and punk is now 40 years old. By that time most lead singers of punk bands are long gone from the scene.
Not Duane.

I recently saw them play in NYC at the Wetlands. Got me nostalgic for the old days. Little punker kids, Old hardcore guys, beer everywhere, a good 'ol slam pit in the front, and the Bombs blasting out there little-known punk anthems. Kids just hopping on stage to sing along, Mr. Peters showing off his great dancing skills. And let me remind you, the beer and drugs are gone.

Maybe thats why the new album sounds so fresh and tight for the Bombs. After a supposed break-up and a few dissappointing records. Maybe it was the death of their guitarist or just the depression of boos and drugs that plauged the previous album and shows, but this new album sounds revitalized.

"Tora, Tora, Tora" gets it off to anthem-like start while songs like "Rubber Room" make you want to sing along. "Lunch in a sack" a classic punk song brings back memories. Policitics aren't a far off topic, as "Yer country" takes a stab at that. Ohhh and ahhhs chorus makes the whole thing catchy, while "Wig Out" my favorite song off the album, makes you just wish you were there at a show watching Duane do some moronic dance or stunt.

The US Bombs have never had much musical talent or masterful songwriting, but their true to the style, scene, and sound they are a part of and that should get them some respect.